
Hi I’m Luca Turconi, a bilingual French-English executive coach based in London.
I work with entrepreneurs and high potentials who seek to become more effective leaders and enhance their contribution to achieving business results.
To achieve their aspirations, they have decided to leave familiar shores and venture into uncharted waters.
Photo: Ralph Arvesen

I began my career as a consultant in the Executive Education sector, prior to launching and managing an award-winning leadership development consultancy with operations and clients in Europe and Asia, based out of Singapore. In parallel to running Accelerance, I’ve had a brief spell as a Leadership Development Consultant with Diageo in the UK and I’m an associate coach with an OD consultancy called "Well-Grounded".
I have been coaching since 2018, working 1:1 as well as with groups. I coach high potentials and executive-level clients to realise a range of goals (transitioning into a new role; establishing their leadership style; developing positive assertiveness; etc.), helping switch patterns of behaviour to support positive change. My clients come from a range of industries including Consulting, Healthcare, Human Capital Management, Not For Profit and Pharma.
The aspiration I hold for my coaching is that it offers a space where an individual can “put it all out there”, whatever work-related complexity and messiness they are dealing with, and be ok with it. This requires trust and vulnerability in the relationship. It also requires supportive challenge from the coach.
In addition to coaching, I consult, design and facilitate interventions in the areas of leadership development, executive transitions and team effectiveness.
What else?
I hold an Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching from the Academy of Executive Coaching.​and a Masters Degree in Organisational Behaviour & Psychology from Birkbeck College. I’m originally from Belgium and Italy and grew up in the Congo. I’m married to Paula - who is originally from Argentina - and we’re the proud parents of two girls: Olivia (5) and Luna (2).
1. Coaching works best with somebody who wants to be coached and knows how they want to change.
2. Trust enables support and challenge in the relationship. This leads to greater opportunities for growth.
3. People’s assumptions and beliefs about how the world works powerfully shapes their decisions and results they obtain.
4. There is a direct relationship between the degree of awareness and the potential for new choices of behaviour.
5. Through the quality of my presence, as coach I bear some responsibility for whatever outcomes emerge from the coaching process.
Underpinning these beliefs is an important appreciation: that coaching is a craft and like any craft it takes time to learn, a lot of working on oneself and continuous practice.

Photo: Priyanuch Konkaew
My approach to coaching is guided by a series of beliefs:

Here are some ways coaching can help. For example, if you:
Wish to explore the quality and nature of your professional relationships and interactions.
Struggle to get buy-in for the change you want to drive in your function/BU/Team.
Are transitioning into a big new role and want to hit the ground running.
Feel stuck, lack momentum and/or creativity to progress.
Seek to better understand and develop your leadership style.
Looking to recentre on the why vs the what to be more a more impactful leader.
Photo: Mike Enerio
The aspiration I hold for my coaching is that it offers a space where an individual can “put it all out there”, whatever work-related complexity and messiness they are dealing with, and be ok with it.
I see coaching as a relationship-based development journey. The relationship is more likely to lead to understanding and growth if there is trust and a willingness to be vulnerable from both parts, as well as challenge from the coach.
I like the image of the "Sitting Dancer" as a visual representation of coaching. It speaks about the many sides of coaching, for example [the need for] movement AND stillness, stretch AND safety, boundaries AND freedom, etc.

Sitting Dancer (Claire Nelson)
Executive Coaching is not counselling or therapy; the coaching context is the coachee’s current effectiveness at work, their identity as leaders or their career aspirations for themselves in the future. The focus of coaching is on the present. Where the past comes up, we look at the influence of the past on the present.
Executive Coaching is not mentoring either; coaches don’t act as advisors, suggesting new paths for the coachee to take, and don’t pass down their knowledge of how a task should be done.
Certain sessions from an Executive Coaching engagement border on life coaching, as the coachee may consider his or her life purpose or personal challenges.


Photo: Kilarov Zaneit
What should I be looking for in an executive coach?
I would recommend that you work with a coach with whom you have a connection (the exploratory conversation enables you to discover this), who is going to challenge you. I’d also recommend you work with a coach who seeks a relationship (not a transaction) and whose approach comes from the heart not a text book.
Where did you train with and why?
I gained my “Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching” from the Academy of Executive Coaching. I was seeking a deep immersion into the craft of coaching and was attracted by the AoEC’s practical orientation and its learner-centric philosophy. The AoEC is the only European coach training company to be accredited by the three top professional bodies: ICF, EMCC and the Association of Coaching. The training offered by the AoEC is experiential – i.e. based on experience and observation – and is uniquely business focused. As an accredited coach with the Academy of Executive Coaching I adhere to their code of practice
What does a coaching engagement look like?
Coaching is a process, not an event; for this reason I offer coaching packages not standalone sessions. For a coaching contract of 4 to 6 months, I would recommend between 8 and 12 sessions of 60mins, as from my experience its very difficult to make noticeable shifts in under 8 hours. At the end of the journey we will review success of the coaching engagement against your/your organisation’s desired objectives. To find out more about how we might work together, contact me for a no obligation discussion.
What does a “typical” coaching session look like?
Whether it happens in person, offsite or via zoom, a coaching session is your time. We may take a couple of minutes to reconnect, ground ourselves and be present. We will then begin the session by agreeing what you would like to explore in the session and how would you know if you made good progress. The core part of the session will focus on the topic you have brought. Through attending, listening and questioning we will engage in the pursuit of deep understanding and sense making. I will draw on a variety of coaching tools and techniques, as well as an intuitive sense of what might be useful. Each session will end with a reflection upon insights gained, and actions you will work as a follow-up.
What are your supervision arrangements?
Supervision is a critical element of my development and ensures my practice remains ethical. My supervisor is based in the UK and we meet/speak every 8-12 weeks roughly. Supervision provides me with the space for reflecting and making sense of demanding assignments.
Who are your clients?
My clients come from Africa, Europe or Asia. They are high potential leaders from the corporate/public/Not For Profit sectors, management consultants as well as entrepreneurs. They have decided to leave familiar shores and venture into uncharted waters.
How do I start?
Our initial, exploratory discussion will give us both the opportunity to see how we feel about working together, and will give me a sense of whether I can help you. We will discuss what brings you to coaching now, what are your desired goals and who else needs to be involved (e.g. a Line Manager, HR, etc). We will explore your work context in more details and discuss what would need to happen in the coaching relationship for the coaching to be a success.
Contact me for a no obligation discussion of your needs and to learn more about my approach:
+44 7950 570407